Review Quizzes Examsreproductive System

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Review the anatomy of the female reproductive system with this interactive quiz. The assessment will test your understanding on the parts of the reproductive tract like ovary, cervix, and ampulla. Start studying Ch. 27; Reproductive System (Final exam). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Quiz: Function of the Respiratory System Structure of the Respiratory System Quiz: Lung Volumes and Capacities.

Start studying Unit test: reproductive system. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Female Reproductive System Multiple Choice Quiz. Multiple choice quiz of 20 questions. Try it as often as you like.

Spermatogenesis,spermiogenesis,blood-testis barrier,cryptorchid,seminiferous tubule.
The maturation of spermatids into mature sperm.
The barrier between the basal portion of the epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules and the apical portion of the epithelium. This prevents macromolecules from the blood from progressing to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule.
The seminiferous tubule is the epithelial-lined tubule in which spermatogenesis occurs.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1. What is the connective tissue capsule surrounding each testis called?

Question 2. What is a lobule of the testis?

Answer 2. Each testis is comprised of ~ 250 lobules separated by incomplete connective tissue septa. Each lobule contains 1-4 seminiferous tubules.

Question 3. What is the shape of seminiferous tubule?

Answer 3. These are convoluted loops, that connect at each end to tubules that convey sperm toward the epididymis (roughly “U” shaped).

Question 4. What are the primitive germ cells of the epithelium of the seminiferous tubule called, and where are they located?

Answer 4. They are called spermatogonia and they rest on the basal lamina.

Question 5. What are the products of mitotic division of the primitive germ cells in the seminiferous tubules?

Answer 5. At puberty the spermatogonia begin to divide. Their daughter cells will either remain as stem cell spermatogonia or become progenitor spermatogonia, which will continue to divide and then differentiate into primary spermatocytes.

Question 6. At what stage of spermatogenesis does meiosis I occur?

Answer 6. The primary spermatocytes proceed through meiosis I to become haploid secondary spermatocytes with two chromatids.

Question 7. What cells are the produced by meiosis II?

Answer 7. Secondary spermatocytes undergo meiosis II to create haploid spermatids.

Question 8. What happens in the process of spermiogenesis?

Answer 8. The spermatids will not divide further but will be transformed into mature spermatozoa by the process called spermiogenesis.

Question 9. What is unusual about the cytoplasm during cell divisions that result in spermatids?

Answer 9. In all the cellular divisions from a progenitor cell to the spermatids, the division of the cytoplasm is never complete. All daughter cells of one progenitor cell will remain connected by cytoplasmic bridges. The mature spermatozoa ultimately become individual cells by shedding their extra cytoplasm along with the bridges connecting them.

Question 10. Why is an undescended testis a problem?

Answer 10. Normal spermatogenesis requires a lower temperature than core body temperature (37¾C), and therefore an undescended (cryptorchid) testis will have impaired spermatogenic potential. Also, cryptorchid testes are much more likely to develop cancers.

Question 11. What cells are responsible for the blood-testis barrier and what are some unique features of these cells?

Answer 11. The Sertoli cells are epithelial cells that contact the basement membrane and that have tight junctions between cytoplasmic processes of adjacent cells. These junctional complexes create the blood-testis barrier. Larger molecules in the blood cannot cross this barrier, so the composition of the fluid in the seminiferous tubule varies from that in the blood. The exchange of nutrients to and metabolites from the developing spermatogenic cells is a function of Sertoli cells, which have no barrier between them and the capillaries deep to the basal lamina.

Question 12. Which cells that are involved in production of sperm are outside of the blood-testis barrier (i.e., are exposed to circulating macromolecules)?

Answer 12. The spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes reside only in the basal compartment, i.e., in between the basal lamina and the junctional complexes of the Sertoli cells. Prior to the onset of meiosis I a primary spermatocyte must migrate to the luminal (other) side of the junctional complex where the remainder of spermatogenesis takes place.

Question 13. Why is the blood-testis barrier necessary?

Answer 13. The haploid spermatids are genetically different from the host and would be recognized as foreign. However, they are isolated from an immune response by the blood-testis barrier which prevents antigens from the germ cells reaching the systemic circulation and any resulting antibodies in the circulation from reaching the germ cells.

Question 14. What are the steps in spermiogenesis?

Review Quizzes Examsreproductive System
Answer 14. This process includes formation of the acrosome, nuclear condensation and elongation, development of the flagellum (a long cilium) and loss of cytoplasm. These flagella projecting into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. Mitochondria spiral tightly around the proximal end of a flagellum providing an energy source. Before the spermatozoa are released into the lumen, excess cytoplasm is shed as residual bodies.

Question 15. What is the acrosome?

Answer 15. The acrosome is a structure that contains hydrolytic enzymes that permit the sperm to penetrate the corona radiata and zona pellucida of the ovum prior to fertilization.

Question 16. What happens to residual bodies?

Answer 16. Residual bodies and any spermatogenic cell that fails to differentiate completely are phagocytosed by the Sertoli cells.

Question 17. What are the cells that produce androgens, and where are they located?

Answer 17. Interstitial or Leydig cells are in the loose interstitial tissue between the seminiferous tubules. These cells synthesize testosterone.

Question 18. What are the factors that influence production of androgens in the testis?

Answer 18. Testosterone is produced by the interstitial cells under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH) from gonadotrophs in the adenohypophysis.

Question 19. What are the functions of testosterone?

Answer 19. Testosterone is needed for the development and maintenance of spermatogenesis, secondary male sexual characteristics, accessory sex gland secretion and genital ducts.

Question 20. What is the hormonal control of Sertoli cells?

Answer 20. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), also from the same pituitary gonadotrophs, stimulates Sertoli cells to synthesize and secrete androgen-binding protein (ABP). This helps to concentrate testosterone in the luminal compartment of the seminiferous tubule where it is essential for normal spermatogenesis.

Question 21. What are the ducts that convey sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis and what is their lining?

Answer 21. Leaving the seminiferous tubules, spermatozoa will pass through the tubuli recti (lined with simple cuboidal epithelium) and then through the rete testis (also simple cuboidal). They then pass through the efferent ductules (partially lined ciliated epithelium to help propel the still immotile sperm) and into the epididymis.

Question 22. What is the structure of the epithelium of the epididymis?

Answer 22. The epididymis is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with long stereocilia.

Question 23. What essential role is played by the epididymis?

Review Quizzes Examsreproductive System Quizlet

Answer 23. The epididymis resorbs a large amount of fluid and stores the sperm until they are released. However, their most important function is that spermatozoa develop their motility during their progression through the epididymis. Without a sufficient amount of time in the epididymis, sperm would not be capable of fertilization. The precise mechanisms for this are not known.

Question 24. What is the structure of the vas (ductus) deferens?

Answer 24. The vas deferens has the same epithelium as the epididymis but has a much thicker muscular wall. Its dilated distal end, located on the posterior surface of the urinary bladder, is called the ampulla and joins with the exit of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct, which travels through the prostate gland to empty into the prostatic urethra.

Question 25. How does emission take place?

Answer 25. Emission results from activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes peristaltic contraction of the smooth muscle in the wall of the epididymis and vas deferens.

Question 26. What is the structure of the lining of the urethra?

Answer 26. The urethra has prostatic, membranous and penile portions. The epithelium in the penile portion is predominately stratified columnar transitioning to stratified squamous in its distal portion. Mucus secreting urethral glands (of Littré) are present throughout the penile urethra.

Question 27. What is the structure of the seminal vesicles?

Answer 27. The seminal vesicles have a convoluted glandular mucosa covered by a pseudostratified, non-ciliated epithelium that is secretory. The stroma of the seminal vesicles contains an abundance of smooth muscle whose contraction impels the seminal fluid into the ejaculatory duct during emission.

Question 28. What do the seminal vesicles do?

Answer 28. The epithelium secretes a fructose-rich secretion, which is a source of energy for spermatozoa. It does NOT store spermatozoa despite the implications of its name.

Question 29. What is the structure of the prostate gland?

Answer 29. The prostate consists of glandular tissue surrounded by a fibromuscular stroma. The glands are lined by tall columnar or pseudostratfied epithelium. These glands add secretions to the semen. In older men the glands often contain prostatic concretions (corpora amylacea) within the glandular lumens.

Question 30. What is the significance of different zones of the prostate?

Answer 30. There are 3 concentric zones of the prostate. Zone 1 is a central zone surrounding the prostatic urethra. This is the major site of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which often results in constriction of the urethra early in its course. Zone 2 is a transition zone that surrounds the central zone and the ejaculatory ducts. Zone 3 is a peripheral zone, which comprises the majority of the prostate. This is the area where most prostate cancers occur. Therefore, urinary obstruction is usually a late sign of prostate cancer (if it happens at all). On the other hand, this makes prostate cancer more detectable by rectal examination.

Question 31. What are the bulbourethral glands and where are they located?

Review quizzes examsreproductive systems
Answer 31. The bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands lie superior (deep) to the perineal membrane. Their cuboidal epithelium secretes a clear mucus through ducts into the proximal penile urethra inferior to the perineal membrane.

Question 32. What is the structure of the erectile tissues of the penis?

Answer 32. The erectile tissue is made up of a network of endothelial-lined vascular sinuses supported by a network of fibromuscular trabeculae. The engorgement of these sinuses by arterial blood results in erection. The three cylinders of erectile tissue are surrounded by a tunica albuginea. This fibrous sheath is much thicker and more rigid over the corpora cavernosa than over the corpus spongiosum. The glans penis is the distal portion of the corpus spongiosum and has a similarly thin connective tissue capsule.

Review Quizzes Examsreproductive System Answer

Question 33. What is the significance of the different connective tissue capsule around the corpus spongiosum and corpora cavernosa?

Answer 33. The thick tunica albuginia around the corpora cavernosa compress venous return and result in a much more rigid structure. The corpus spongiosum, containing the penile (spongy) urethra, does not become as rigid, permitting ejaculation.
  1. >Physiology >
  2. Reproductive System >

Reference : Clinically Oriented Anatomy - Moore

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