Civics Videos

A Market Economy

Civic Matters produced several videos targeted at different audiences and formats, including conferences, web, and social media. One video is also shown on the 78-foot wide video board at Georgia State Stadium during GSU Panthers football games. Annenberg Classroom's free resources include over 65 videos on constitutional concepts and Supreme Court cases as well as games, lesson plans, timelines, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution guide.

Civics Test Videos

Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:

Civics 101 Why does the U.S. Have an Electoral College? How do congressional investigations work? What does the minority whip actually do? Civics 101 is the podcast refresher course on the basics. The Civics Center is a project of Community Partners. Contact: +1 (213) 270-1905 Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

A plan for a stronger nation

Civics Videos For Students

Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Changes to the Constitution
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Demanding representation
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Dissolving the political bonds between the Colonies and England

Civics Videos For Students

Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:

Civics Videos 7th Grade

Framing the Constitution
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Giving representation to the people of D.C.
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
How the Bill of Rights works for us today
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Natural Rights
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Offenses against the King
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Practicing self-government
Civic Literacy Curriculum Section:
Protecting people from the Government

Civics Videos For Kids

Civic Literacy Curriculum Section: